Create, Edit, Post, Wait
Like, Another like, Comment
Wait, Check, Wait more, Check more, another Like
A rush of cheap dopamine, every time.
A Reel, a Story, a Post, a Repost
A Tweet, a Status, a Retweet
The urge to share, to celebrate
To throw open one's life on a screen.
The rise in ranks, the rise in audience
The need to tell a story, a struggle perhaps
The ethereal following, a new currency
The need for validation of a virtual crown.
No questions asked, no judgement passed
Just pictures clicked, in sartorial charm
A reputation to behold, an audience waiting
For another drop of poison, another hit of dopamine.
A patron saint, an Iron Man
Who once had imagined a league of citizens
Who would act as the Fourth Lion
Powerful, important, fundamental, yet Anonymous.
The ‘steel-frame’ once dreamt of, as a bulwark
To work behind the veil, yet work
Anonymity today, a raging buzzword
Yet the ‘Stars’ remain, shining brighter.
None is black and white, anonymity included
One needn’t hide when duty demands
One needn’t boast when duty rewards
One needs to do duty, to no other regard.
Tools are meant as a leverage for good
Let work speak and gather acclaim
Let the team take the glory home
For you, the work itself be the aim.